Does Donald Trump have the Coronavirus?

Donald Trump won’t allow himself to be tested. So we don’t know if Trump has contracted the Coronavirus.

This is a fact: Over the weekend, at Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump came into contact with a Brazilian press aide who was diagnosed Thursday with coronavirus.

Which leads us to another fact: The President of the United States has been exposed to coronavirus.

Despite that indisputable reality, Trump has so far refused to be tested for the virus. Asked about the press aide’s positive test on Thursday, Trump responded this way: “Let’s put it this way, I’m not concerned, OK?”

That’s consistent with his reaction when informed that Reps. Doug Collins of Georgia and Matt Gaetz of Florida had both interacted with a person who had tested positive for coronavirus at the Conservative Political Action Committee.


Trump is being hypocritical on the issue:

Jeff Mason, White House correspondent for Reuters, was among the first to raise the issue, explaining to the president, “You’re asking people who come back from Europe, Americans coming back from Europe, to self-quarantine for a couple of weeks. You were in a picture with somebody who now has coronavirus from Brazil at Mar-a-Lago.” He asked, “How is that different?” 

When Trump defensively replied, “Well, first of all, I’m not coming back from someplace,” Mason said, “But you were exposed.” 


What this idiot doesn’t get is that you don’t have show symptoms to be carrying the Coronavirus. Or he is afraid of being tested. Either way he is showing no leadership.

“A photo showing a Brazilian government official (r) posing for a photo next to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at Mar-A-Lago has tested positive for the 2019 novel coronavirus.”

And as always Trump claims he doesn’t know the guy. And they were together for a very short period of time:

The press secretary of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro tested positive for the coronavirus within days of interacting with President Donald Trump during a visit by his boss to Mar-a-Lago, according to reports Thursday.

Trump said he’s “not concerned” about his contact with the Brazilian spokesman, Fabio Wajngarten, at his Florida resort last weekend, and that he would not be tested for the disease.

Now, after pressure, Trump says he will be tested:

President Donald Trump said Friday he would “likely” receive a coronavirus test “fairly soon” even as he minimized the prospects of having contracted the virus from a Brazilian press aide who later tested positive.

“We’re working on a schedule,” he said during a Friday afternoon event in the White House Rose Garden, adding that he has no symptoms and barely spent time with the official who now has the virus.

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